Current Students
Wenxuan Guo (2021-, Ph.D. student in Econometrics & Statistics, Booth School)
Shungzhuang Huang (2022-, Ph.D. student in Econometrics & Statistics, Booth School)
Former Students
Hwanwoo Kim (2021-, Ph.D. student in Computational and Applied Math) —> Post-doctoral student at Duke University (with Eric Laber)
JungHo Lee (2021-, M.S. in Statistics) —> Ph.D. in Statistics, Carnegie Mellon University (CMU)
Yating Liu (M.S. in Statistics; 2021-2022) —> Ph.D. in Statistics (U Chicago)
David Puelz (Post-doctoral; 2018-2021) —> Assistant Professor at The University of Austin; and Assistant Professor of Instruction at UT Austin
Haoyang Wu (M.S. in Statistics; 2019-2020) —> Ph.D. in Statistics, University of Washington
Connor Dowd (Ph.D. in Econometrics & Statistics, Booth School; 2018-2021) —> Joint Committee on Taxation (
Yi Ding (Ph.D. in CS; 2017-2020) —> Post-doc at MIT, EECS (CRA Computing Innovation Fellowship) —> Asst. Professor of CS at Purdue University
Junhyung Lyle Kim (Undergrad; 2017-2019) —> Ph.D. in CS, Rice University (2019-)
Jerry Chee (Undergrad; 2017-2019) —> Ph.D. in CS, Cornell University (2019-)
For Current U. Chicago PhD Students:
If you are interested in doing interdisciplinary quantitative work in the social sciences, you may check out QMEHSS and the AQM program.